MiamiHal - the smart move in real estate

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Sometimes the mailings we Miami-Dade residents receive in the mail are worth a read.  I was impressed to learn about a tree giveaway that includes other "green" items too.

On Sunday July 25, 2010, Dade County residents who live in single family or duplex housing can come to A.D. Doug Barnes Park (3401 SW 72nd Ave., Miami) from 10am - 1pm to receive 2 free fruit (non-citrus) or ornamental shade trees.  The idea is to green up Miami-Dade and to help cool your home and increase property values.

While you are there, bring your existing old shower heads (up to two) and 3 light bulbs and get them exchanged for high-efficiency shower heads and new compact fluorescent bulbs.

Nice to see.  Better to take advantage.  See you there!