How About 15% APY Return on Your Money?

It is a good day to invest!

Via this post, I'm reaching out to gauge your interest in an exciting investment opportunity that pays a guaranteed 15% APY. (IMPORTANT NOTE: someone else is receiving this money and providing the guarantee and that you should only invest money that you can afford to invest!)

The quick backstory is that I have been long-time friends with a gentleman who owns AFIN Developer Group. He is a commercial real estate rainmaker, manager and investor. He teamed up with Brickless Construction Corp, ( to do affordable housing in western Florida.

Brickless builds so quickly that traditional banks and lending sources can't keep up. That's where you would come in. Either by financing an entire home build or with a fractional investment, you will be paid upon each home sale that you are invested in. Typically, this build/sales cycle occurs no less than 3 times a year.

The annual GUARANTEED return is 15% APY. Pretty amazing money if you ask me.

I am already invested in two homes, so I've already put my money where my mouth is. Since AFIN Development Group is allowing me and my sphere of influence to be involved, I am passing this opportunity on to you.

This is a win-win in my book. You get a great investment and are building affordable housing, together.

Please view this video for some visuals ( and you can view a typical investment scenario here:

Here is a bit more information in pitch book form.

Please let me know if you have any questions and if you are interested in investing. I will connect you to AFIN Development Group with a warm handoff.